Jeff Thredgold, CSP, Economic Futurist

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Weekly Update

Books by Jeff Thredgold

ISBN 978-0-470-09698-7

Understanding today’s economy is more important than ever before. And now, with econAmerica, Jeff Thredgold offers a clear picture of how the American economy is really performing and what that means for the future of your finances.

Published by Wiley & Sons, $24.95 retail $14.97
• Free shipping on orders over $29
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on the one hand...the economist's joke book

ISBN 978-0-9707226-3-8

On the One Hand...
The Economist's Joke Book

On the One Hand... is a collection of jokes Jeff has compiled over his 30+ years in the profession.  Names, dates, and raw language have been changed to protect the innocent. Also included are some of the less insightful quotes of the past few generations.  While these people were not economists, they showed real potential.

$8.50 retail $7.95
• Free shipping on orders over $29
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a parent's letter to my children in school
ISBN 978-0-9707226-2-1

A Parent’s Letter to My Children in School
• New, illustrated edition!
• Practical, timely advice about school, learning, and life
Seventeen years ago, we published this letter as “A Father’s Letter to My Children in School” and the response was amazing.  We had dozens of requests for permission to reprint more than 150,000 copies.  Due to the strong demand for this piece, we published it first as a soft-cover book, then added illustrations in this latest edition.

$8.95 Retail $8.25
• Free shipping on orders over $29
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Weekly Update

Tea Leaf

Jeff’s weekly discussion of topics that affect the economy, our lives, and the future. Receive a printed copy of the Tea Leaf mailed to you each week or receive it free via e-mail.

$99 for 1 year
$169 for 2 years
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Thredgold Economics
1366 S Legend Hills Drive, Suite 150 - Clearfield, UT 84015
(801) 614-0403 - Toll Free 1-888-847-3346 - Fax (801) 614-0218 -